October 11th 2024
Next Week at a glance
October 14th-18th
Monday October 14th
Thanksgiving: School not in session
Tuesday October 15th
Cross Country Meet @ EGHE 2pm-4:30pm
- Feeding Futures Hot Lunch: Click here to order
Wednesday October 16th
- Feeding Futures Hot Lunch: Click here to order
Terry Fox Run: Click here to donate to the Terry Fox Foundation in our school's name.
Click here to learn more about the Terry Fox Foundation.
Thursday October 17th
- PAC Hot Lunch
- Great Shakeout Earthquake Drill: Click here to learn more about the Great Shakeout in BC
Friday October 18th
Person's here to learn more about Person's Day in Canada
École Garibaldi Highlands Elementary
Feeding Futures Lunch Pilot Program
Hello Parents!
We are happy to announce that you can now
place your lunch orders for this program online using MunchaLunch.com!
You can pay for your orders online by credit card (Visa/Mastercard)
OR debit-credit card or pre-paid credit card, as well as cash or cheque (dropped off to the school office)
- Go to: https://munchalunch.com/schools/ghe
- Click the “Register Here” button (as shown below). The system will guide you through
- After adding your children, click the green “Order Lunch!” button to order
- Next time, just click the “Login Here” button to access your account. Accounts created last school year rollover to this year.
- Order deadlines: The deadline to place an order online is at 12pm on Thursday for the following week. Ordering is available for October – December 2024. Lunch will be offered on Tuesdays and
- Food options: We have partnered with Foodie Kids (Tuesdays) and Freshii (Wednesday) to provide a variety of options, including options for dietary restrictions.
- Support: If you need assistance with ordering, contact [email protected] 604-898-3688
- Cost: There is a recommended cost associated with each meal (between $5.49-$8.50) but it is “pay what you can”. What does “pay-what-you-can” mean?
- Through the Feeding Futures program, we want to offer a nutritious, delicious lunch to all families who would like it.
- This program is for every family to access! We encourage parents who would like their children to have a lunch to pay what they are able to, whether it is the full amount, a little bit less, or $0. There is also the option to donate a lunch to another student if you would like.
- Cutlery: Please pack cutlery for your child on lunch days to help reduce our environmental footprint.
- Other FAQs answered here.
Please note if your child is sick or not at school (ie field trip) on a lunch date you are welcome to pick up their lunch at the start of lunch, otherwise please consider it a donation for a child who does not have a lunch. There will be no refunds.
We appreciate your support in making this pilot a success! We welcome your input throughout the program. A final survey will be sent out towards the end of the pilot in June. Ongoing feedback can be provided here: https://forms.office.com/r/2KCwha0RGi
Questions? Contact the School Food Coordinator, [email protected]
!!PAC Hot Lunch Info!!!
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Welcome to GHE or Welcome back! We hope everyone enjoyed their summer break and got some well-deserved rest and relaxation. Hot lunch will resume on October 3rd, 2024. Ordering is now open. Please place your orders before September 25th, 2024. Please continue to use the same account login as you previously used if returning to GHE. If you are new to ordering hot lunch, you will need to continue reading below to create an account and place your orders.
To help streamline the system for volunteers and provide great service we will only be accepting credit card payment through the online system. Orders will be automatically cancelled when payment has not been made within an hour of ordering. Please ensure you have completed payment and received an email receipt within the hour otherwise you will need to repeat the order.
The online order system MunchaLunch is live now to place all orders for the fall term (Oct. to Dec.). Ordering cut off is 7 days before each lunch date. We suggest that you place all the orders for the term at one time to avoid disappointment.
Each family will need to register and create an account for their child(ren) in the system before placing any orders. The registration process will only be required once for the 2024/2025 school year.
Here’s how to register:
- Click the “Register Here” button. The system will guide you through the registration process
- Click the “Login Here” button to access your account once registered.
- After adding your child(ren), click the green “Order Lunch!” button to place an order
Ordering and Payment Details:
- Ordering for ALL hot lunches for the first term will be open Sept 18th, 2024 and will be closed on September 26th, 2024 for the first hot lunch date.
- If you need assistance with ordering, or do not have access to the internet, please contact Laura, Alisa and Krista at [email protected].
- Our lunch suppliers require ample notice to pre-order products and ensure enough staff are scheduled to cater for a school of our size. Unfortunately, we will not be able to accommodate any late requests.
- For any families who would like to order hot lunch for their child(ren) but require financial assistance, please email Sue Sweeney at [email protected] and your child’s hot lunch order can be arranged.
Please note if your child is ill on a lunch date, you are welcome to come and pick up their lunch by 1:00pm; otherwise, please consider it a donation for a child who does not have a lunch. The lunch will not go to waste. We will not be able to accommodate specific requests for other students to receive your child’s lunch. The lunch will be distributed at the discretion of Ms. Sweeney and Ms. Lowe.
Please keep in mind there are no refunds as this is a PAC fundraiser. We appreciate your support for our hot lunch program as the funds will go towards supporting our school community and general fundraising.
We are always looking for parent/ caregiver volunteers on hot lunch days to help organize the food into classrooms and deliver it. To volunteer for specific Hot Lunch days and times please visit https://volunteersignup.org/4HECX. We will be in contact to confirm the days and times you are signed up for and what to expect.
Our biggest thanks to the GHE parent and caregiver community for supporting this important fundraiser.
Hot Lunch Dates |
Thursday Oct 3 |
Panago |
Thursday Oct 17 |
Freshi |
Thursday Oct 31 |
White spot |
Thursday Nov 14 |
Panago |
Thursday Nov 28 |
Freshi |
Thursday Dec 12 |
Panago |
Thursday Jan 16 |
Panago |
Thursday Jan 30 |
Panago |
Thursday Feb 13 |
White Spot |
Thursday Feb 27 |
Freshi |
Thursday Mar 13 |
Panago |
Thursday April 10 |
White Spot |
Thursday Apr 24 |
Freshi |
Thursday May 8 |
Panago |
Thursday May 22 |
White Spot |
Thursday June 5 |
Freshi |
Thursday June 13 |
Panago |
Thursday June 19 |
White Spot |
Kind regards,
Laura, Alisa and Krista
[email protected]
Online Payments & Online Forms
The Sea to Sky School District has rolled out School Cash Online, an easy to use, safe and convenient way for parents and guardians to pay for their children’s school fees, such as field trips.
Powered by the Canadian firm KEV Group, School Cash Online strictly adheres to Canada’s privacy and anti-spam legislation and meets the latest industry standards for payment security. Any Canadian data collected is held on Canadian servers.
Online payment is the preferred method of settling school fees and all parents are encouraged to use this system.
The Annual Student Personal Information Tech & Media Form 706.1A(b), The Student Information & Technology (ICT) Agreement (K-6 students) need to be signed every year by parents. We are also having all parents sign the Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act Consent for Web 2.0 Tools 708.1A(a). This form will only need to be signed this year. These forms have also been uploaded and should be signed through School Cash online by September 18th .

Here at Garibaldi Highlands we have a few rules regarding bikes on school property. These rules are intended to keep our students safe while on school grounds. All adults and children on school property during school time as well as during drop off and pick up must follow these following safety rules.
- Bikes MUST be walked at all times on school property, with the exception of the actual roadways in the parking lot and bus loop. There should never be anyone riding any sort of bike on a sidewalk, a walkway, a courtyard, or a crosswalk for any reason.
- Bikes on the roadways MUST follow traffic laws and the flow of traffic. The bus loop must be entered on the same side a car would enter and ridden through in the same direction a car would go, and the parking lot should be ridden through in the same direction as cars drive.
- If a staff member asks you to dismount from your bike for any reason that staff member must be treated in a respectful manner and the direction must be followed.