Kindergarten Gradual Entry 2024/2025
Our staff and students are ready to welcome you and your child into the EGHE family! Please see the schedule below to inform you of timing requirements.
During the gradual entry process, your child will be dropped off and picked up from the same Kindergarten classrooms - Room 176 (French Immersion) and Room 172 (English program). Both these rooms are located in the courtyard by the gym. There will be a sign and some friendly faces to help direct you to the location.
Your child will be with a teacher and a small group of children during the gradual entry. Please note that this may not be your child’s permanent teacher or classmates.
Teachers will communicate your child’s placement on Tuesday, September 10th.
Please check out our website for information about our school. You will find specific information for your student here: Kindergarten Resources – Kindergarten Resources – École Garibaldi Highlands Elementary (
In the Kindergarten Resources, you will find an essential school supply list. You may already have some of these supplies at your home and you can send them with your child on their first full day, September 13th. Once your child has been placed in their permanent classroom, you will receive a more detailed supply list specific to your child’s teacher. You will have the option to order these supplies online and have them delivered directly to the school or purchase them yourself.
Please return your “Welcome to Kindergarten Information Sheet” on your child’s first day of gradual entry.
We are looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday, September 4th!
Ecole Garibaldi Highlands Elementary
English & French Immersion Kindergarten Gradual Entry Schedule
2024/2025 School Year