School Supplies
Our PAC has generously arranged to subsidize the cost of online supply orders, so our intermediate classes will pay $45.00 and our primary classes will pay $40.00. We encourage families to purchase supplies online.
As of this evening, parents will be able to order school supplies on line. Once you have placed your order the supplies will be shipped directly to the school.
To order supplies go to:
If your child is in Grade 4 - 6 choose the Intermediate school supply list
If your child is in Kindergarten - grade 3 choose the Primary supply list
Please make sure you have your child's correct teacher's name.
All orders will arrive at the school labeled with the student's name and their teacher.
Orders for Grades 1-6 need to be placed by Wednesday, September 11th
Orders for Kindergarten student’s supplies need to be ordered by Friday, September 15th
The supply lists are also available on our school website if parents prefer to purchase the supplies themselves